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A12-2 Universal 2-Wire Gas Transmitter
ATIs A12-2 Wire UniSens universal 2-wire gas transmitter handles 28 different gases, providing the most economical and flexible gas measurement system available today. Combining universal electronics, bench calibration capability, automatic sensor verification, fault detection and alarming, and superior sensor technology, UniSens is your best transmitter choice.
GasSens is a flexible component system providing a variety of options to meet individual gas detection and alarm requirements. From chemical and petrochemical plants to food processors, the GasSens system can be applied to the simplest or most complex gas detection application. Economical and low maintenance, this system is your best choice for reliable leak detection.
A14/11 Modular Gas Detector
The GasSens A14/A11 Modular Gas Detector is a flexible component system providing a variety of options to meet individual gas detection and alarm requirements. From chemical and petrochemical plants to food processors, the GasSens system can be applied to the simplest or most complex gas detection application.
A24 Test Gas Generator The Puffer
The A24 Puffer is a portable, battery-operated instrument containing a gas generator and simple hand pump that provides the puff of air needed for sensor response checks. Puffers are water resistant for use in any environment and are designed to intrinsic safety standards. Generator cells provide hundreds of tests, with LED to indicate the remaining life of the generator cell. Generator cells are easily changed and the life indicator can be reset when a new generator is installed
D12-IR Digital Gas Transmitter
ATI's Series D12-IR gas transmitter eliminates the poisoning problems inherent in catalytic bead sensors. While Catalytic LEL sensors offer reliable service the presence of silicon vapors, hydrogen sulfide and halogenated hydrocarbons can quickly degrade sensor performance. Infrared sensing technology is not susceptible to these potential interferants, which means greater measurement stability and longer sensor life.
Model A12 UniSens Transmitter
Our UniSens universal 2-wire gas transmitter handles 28 different gases, providing the economical and flexible gas measurement system available today. Combining universal electronics, bench calibration capability, automatic sensor verification, fault detection and alarming, and superior sensor technology. UniSens is designed for ambient gas monitoring in all kinds of industrial environments, in fact the UniSens transmitter can be used most anywhere that hazardous gas conditions might develop either through leakage or through natural buildup.
Model A12-17
Combustible Gas Detectors are used in a wide variety of Industrial Plants to detect leakage or buildup before it reaches explosive levels. ATI's Auto Test Combustible Gas Transmitter eliminates the need for frequent response checks. This transmitter performs an automatic gas test on the sensing element every 24 hours. The result is a combustible gas detector system with a level of reliability beyond that of any other system available. This daily sensor response verification is as close to a fail-safe detection system as you can find, with the added benefit of greatly reduced manual testing.
Model A15/64 Dissolved Ozone Monitor
The Model A15/64 is an advanced electrochemical system for continuously monitoring dissolved ozone concentration in water. It uses a direct sensing
ozone probe to measure dissolved ozone specifically, without interference from other sample components, such as residual chlorine. Engineered
to perform reliably with a minimum of maintenance.
ozone probe to measure dissolved ozone specifically, without interference from other sample components, such as residual chlorine. Engineered
to perform reliably with a minimum of maintenance.
Model B-12 Wet Gas Transmitter
ATI's Series B12 Wet Gas System was developed to meet the need for reliable measurements in wet scrubber outlets for other gas streams that might be saturated with water vapor. Systems have been developed for monitoring strong oxidants (chlorine, bromine, chlorine dioxide, or ozone), acid gases (HCI or HF) and hydrogen. The basic B12 Wet Gas System consists of a loop-powered 2-wire transmitter and a corrosion resistant sensor specifically engineered to operate at 100% RH. Sensors are designed for direct insertion into vent stack, or may be used in a flowcell if sample can be pumped into the sensor.
Model B12 2-Wire Gas Transmitter
Series B-12 transmitters are loop-powered instruments that transmit a 4-20 mA signal linearly proportional to gas concentration. Operated from a 24 VDC power supply, the transmitter will drive loads up to 675 ohms, sufficient for most monitoring applications. Alternatively, the unit can operate at 12 VDC - with reduced output load--for applications requiring battery operation.
Model B14 Alarm Receiver
Series B14 Receivers are compact electronic modules that provide local alarm, display and signal retransmission functions for gas detection systems. The modules are designed to accept input from either two, three, or four wire 4-20 mA transmitters located up to 10,000 feet from the receiver. B14 Alarm Receivers are DIN rail mounted modules that can be supplied in single or multiple unit enclosures. Each alarm module offers a variety of functions.
Model C12-17 Combustible Gas Transmitters
Model C12-17 is a stand-alone gas transmitter designed to detect potentially hazardous concentrations of combustible gases in ambient air. C12-17 Combustible Gas Transmitters are three-wire transmitters, operating from 24 VDC power supplies and transmitting a 4-20 mA signal proportional to a 0-100% LEL (Lower Explosive Limit) of a particular gas or vapor. The transmitter is available either as a blind transmitter or with integral LCD display that provides local indication of gas concentration, visible through the glass window in the explosion-proof housing.
Model D12
D12 transmitters provide useful features that simplify installation, operation, and maintenance. From clear menu-driven setup pages to large numerical display of gas values, you simply can't find a more versatile transmitter.
Q45 Monitoring Systems
Analytical Technology’s Q45 monitoring systems use a membrane-covered polarographic sensor that does not require the addition of chemical reagents.
Q45C Conductivity Monitor
Conductivity measurement in aggressive chemical solutions or in water systems containing large amounts of solids, oils, and greases is very maintenance intensive using conventional 2 or 4 electrode sensors.
Q45D Dissolved Oxygen Monitor
ATIs Model Q45D Dissolved Oxygen Monitor provides reliable oxygen measurement and reduced maintenance costs. The galvanic dissolved oxygen sensor uses a rugged 5 mil Teflon membrane to resist mechanical abrasions and tears. The membrane serves as a barrier to allow molecular oxygen to diffuse into the reaction cell where it is reduced, producing a small current which is proportional to oxygen concentration.
Q45H Chlorine Monitors
ATIs Model Q45H is designed for on-line monitoring and control of chlorinations systems. It is available in two versions; a free chlorine monitor for drinking and cooling water systems, and a combined chlorine monitor ideally suited for "chloraminated" drinking water. The combined chlorine system can all be used in wastewater effluents where sufficient ammonia is present prior to chlorination to result in a predominantly monochloramine residual.
Series A14 Gas Sens Ozone Gas Leak Detector
The Gas Sens A14 Modular Gas Detector is a flexible component system providing a variety of options to meet individual gas detection and alarm requirements. The Gas Sens system can be applied to the simplest or most complex gas detection application. Economical and low maintenance, this system is your best choice for reliable gas leak detection. Gas Sens gas detection systems consist of individual modules that can be located where required.
Series A21 Gas Sample Pumping System
ATI's A21 Gas Sampler is a pumping system designed to draw gas samples from ducts or hard to access locations and deliver the samples to gas sensors such as the D12 Toxic and Combustible Gas Detector that would be located in a more convenient area.
Series C16 Porta Sens II Portable Ozone Leak Detector
ATI's Series C16 PortaSens II Portable Gas Leak Detector is a versatile tool for performing regular leak checks in gas storage areas, around process equipment and piping, or in confined spaces prior to entry. Designed for easy one-hand operation, the gas detector contains an internal sample pump and a flexible sampling wand to allow pinpoint location of the source of leakage. A large character display insures that measured values are easily visible, and a back-light for the display insures readability in low or no light conditions
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